Viviane Gutlerner

EN | FR | NL
+32 (0)2 512 23 74

Viviane Gutlerner

A dialogue towards Consciousness, Harmony, Ananda.

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1-6 March 2025 YOGA with Senior Teacher Daniel Rougier.

Daniel ROUGIER, a great pragmatist in the fields he has explored, deepened and taught, is guided by Discernment.

After being trained as a scientist, he became totally involved in the great adventure of YOGA in the early 80’s.
Always on the lookout, he completed his training by certifying himself in the psycho-corporal therapies of the Archaic and the Involuntary, in the Spirituality of the Self and in Changes of State of  Consciousness.
His spiritual Masters : Mastaram Baba, Sri Aurobindo, Mère, Ramana Maharshi have been guiding him for over 45 years.

To find more about his « path » :

THEME OF 2025:
BEING YOURSELF - perfectly still
, this is the Ultimate Goal of Yoga to experience through the Posture, the Breath and the Meditation.

Partly participation possible.


  • Fluid warm-up
  • Salutations or Sequences
  • Breathing / Pranayama (30’ to 1 hour)
  • Postures
  • Alternating: Pratyahara/dharana/Dhyana
  • Relaxation

Asking questions to Daniel related to Inner Search greatly enriches the course. Personalized answers.
The Program can be adapted to suit each individual. Various approaches depending of your level.





* 1-2 March 2025: Weekend for ALL:
* Mon 3-Thu 6 March 2025: Week for ADVANCED

Venue : Studio So'ham. 87 rue du Trône, 1050 Brussels. (gear + voice amplification available)

Schedule: 9.30-17.00
Prices: 1day 110€; 2days 200€; 3days & more: 95€/day

Registration confirmed by your payment – directly on Daniel’s bank account:
IBAN: FR76 1780 7000 3795 3217 8880 492
Clé RIB: 92 et Code banque: 17807

Cancellation fees applied to the participant:
+ than one month before the workshop: 20€ administrative fees
- than one month before the workshop: 50% cancellation fees of the value of the booked dates

Max 18 participants

For logistic reasons, the workshop will take place as from 10 participants confirmed one month before the workshop = 31/01/2025.

For an individual session with Daniel:
Info : Viviane 02 512 23 74


Check Feedback on French page.

THEME of 2024: The little NOTHINGS that - in practice - do EVERYTHING.
Example: Once the posture is placed with its cohort of details, followed by the breath, by the concentration.... at a certain point, just say YES totally....and...



  • Doing... creates a tension...
  • Addiction to postures... (correct?)
  • Everything is always new... nothing is ever acquired
  • If winning is present, so is it for loosing..